Simple thing really... but don't wait till the last minute to get married!
Now and so often a couple decides to have their Hawaiian vacation first and then get married on the last day in Kauai.
There are several problems with this thinking:
You might look really sun burned in your pictures. Yes, we have extreme UV here in the islands and no-one wants to look like a lobster in their wedding photos...right? Keep that for the honeymoon instead :-)
Something could happen that could interfere with your wedding plans, and if you have no flexibility at all to rearrange your may not get the wedding you've dreamed of. Weather, road closures, traffic accidents, and illness all can unexpectedly interfere with your wedding plans, and if you have no room to move just a little bit you might be in trouble.
We had a couple of brides & grooms who got into trouble with one of the above scenarios, and had the couples chosen to get married earlier on in their stay on Kauai a lot of stress could have been averted.
Do not get married within the last couple of days of your stay, get married in the front end of your vacation. This way nothing can get in your way, and after your wedding, the rest of your trip is all honeymoon!
